Diamond in the Sky
Image Credit & Copyright: Mariano Ribas (Planetario de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires)
Explanation: When the shadow of the Moon raced across planet Earth’s southern hemisphere on December 14, sky watchers along the shadow’s dark central path were treated to the only total solar eclipse of 2020. During the New Moon’s shadow play this glistening diamond ring was seen for a moment, even in cloudy skies. Known as the diamond ring effect, the transient spectacle actually happens twice. Just before and immediately after totality, a thin sliver of solar disk visible behind the Moon’s edge creates the appearance of a shiny jewel set in a dark ring. This dramatic snapshot from the path of totality in northern Patagonia, Argentina captures this eclipse’s second diamond ring, along with striking solar prominences lofted beyond the edge of the Moon’s silhouette.
Tomorrow’s picture: closer
影像提供与版权: Mariano Ribas (Planetario de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires)
说明: 在12月14日,当月球的影子扫掠过南半球之时,位在暗影带中心的观星人,有福目睹2020年唯一的日全食事件。当时纵然有乌云的干扰,但新月的影子还是为人们带来稍纵即逝的闪亮钻石环景观。这种短暂的钻石环奇景,在日全食的启始和结束时会各出现一次。其中,从黝黑月盘边缘月谷露出的一小片日盘,让此时的景观像黝黑纤细环身顶着闪亮的钻石。这幅摄于阿根廷.北巴塔哥尼亚全食带内的精采影像,记录了此次日食事件的第二钻石环,以及悬浮在月亮剪影边缘后方的日珥。
明日的图片: closer