Zhurong: New Rover on Mars
Image Credit: China National Space Administration
Explanation: There’s a new rover on Mars. In mid-May, China’s Tianwen-1 mission delivered the Zhurong rover onto the red planet. As Mars means Planet of Fire in Chinese, the Zhurong rover’s name means, roughly, God of Fire in Chinese mythology. Zhurong landed in northern Utopia Planitia, the largest known impact basin in the Solar System, and an area reported to have much underground ice. Among many other scientific instruments, Zhurong carries ground-penetrating radar that can detect ice buried even 100-meters deep. Car-sized Zhurong is pictured here next to its landing base. The image was snapped by a remote camera deployed by the rolling rover. Zhurong’s planned 90-day mission includes studying the geology, soil, and atmosphere of Mars in Utopia Planitia.
Tomorrow’s picture: constellation enhanced
影像提供: China National Space Administration
说明: 火星多了一部新火星车。在今年的5月中旬,中国的天问一号任务,把祝融号火星车布署到火星表面。由于在中文里,这颗红色行星称为火星,故祝融号火星车就以中国神话里的火神为名。祝融号着陆在太阳系最大的撞击坑─乌托邦平原的北部,根据先前的探索该处应存有大量的地下水冰。祝融号携带了许多科学仪器,包括可侦测至多藏在100米深处水冰的透地雷达。在影像里,大小和小车相近的祝融号和降落基地一同入镜。这幅影像,则是由探测车事先放置的遥控相机所拍摄。祝融号为期90天的规划工作任务,包括研究火星乌托邦平原的地质、土壤、和大气。
明日的图片: constellation enhanced