Firefly Milky Way over Russia
Image Credit & Copyright: Anton Komlev
Explanation: It started with a pine tree. The idea was to photograph a statuesque pine in front of the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. And the plan, carried out two months ago, was successful — they both appear prominently. But the resulting 3-frame panorama captured much more. Colorful stars, for example, dot the distant background, with bright Altair visible on the upper left. The planet Saturn, a bit closer, was captured just over the horizon on the far left. Just beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, seen in the upper right, an Earth-orbiting satellite was caught leaving a streak during the 25-second exposure. The Earth’s atmosphere itself was surprisingly visible — as green airglow across the image top. Finally, just by chance, there was a firefly. Do you see it? Near the image bottom, the firefly blinked in yellow several times as it fluttered before the rolling hills above Milogradovka River in Primorsky Krai, Russia.
Explore Your Universe: Random APOD Generator
Tomorrow’s picture: colliding galaxies
影像提供与版权: Anton Komlev
说明: 影像的发想是松树。构思是要拍摄一颗高大挺拔的松树 ,矗立在银河系中央盘面的前方。这项计画在2个月前成功执行,在所拍下的影像里二者都极为出采。不过,这幅由3张照片拼接而成的全景影像,所捕捉到的远多于原先的构思。例如:影像背景里有色彩缤纷的恒星,而且左上角有亮星牛郎。距离较密近的土星,则悬在左缘地平线的上空附近。此外,于这幅25秒长曝光影像的右上角,有在地球大气外头绕行地球的低地球轨道卫星所留下的迹线。而且出人意表的,地球大气也以泛绿气辉之姿出现在上半影像里。最后,你看见恰巧现踪的萤火虫吗?在下半的影像里,有只萤火虫匆匆飞过俄罗斯.普列莫尔斯基区.米洛格拉多夫卡河畔起伏山丘的前方,留下了泛黄的闪烁身影。
明日的图片: colliding galaxies