
Glory and Fog Bow
Image and Video Credit & Copyright: Cem Özkeser and Yasin İlcebay
Explanation: On a road trip up Mount Uludağ in Bursa province, Turkey these motorcyclists found themselves above low clouds and fog in late June. With the bright Sun directly behind them, the view down the side of the great mountain revealed a beautiful, atmospheric glory and fog bow. Known to some as the heiligenschein or the Specter of the Brocken, a glory can also sometimes be seen from airplanes or even high buildings. It often appears to be a dark giant surrounded by a bright halo. Of course the dark giant is just the shadow of the observer (90MB video) cast opposite the Sun. The clouds and fog are composed of very small water droplets, smaller than rain drops, that refract and reflect sunlight to create the glory’s colorful halo and this more extensive fog bow.
Tomorrow’s picture: Here comes the Sun
影像、影片提供与版权: Cem Özkeser and Yasin İlcebay
说明: 今年6月下旬,在土耳其布尔萨省的乌卢达山公路旅行时,这些摩托车骑士意识到他们身处低层云和雾的上方。此时明亮的太阳位于他们的身后,而视线顺这座大山的山坡往向下看,见到了美丽的宝光和雾虹。亦有“圣光”或“布罗肯幽灵”之称的宝光,有时在飞机或高楼上也得见,而它通常看来像是裹着亮环的黝黑巨人。想当然耳,这位黝黑的巨人,只是与太阳反向的观察者影子(参见90MB的影片)。云和雾都是由小于雨滴的微细水滴组成,这些小水滴经由折射和反射阳光,产生了此例宝光色彩缤纷的光晕和这道伸展范围更大的雾虹。 (glory 宝光;fog bow 雾虹)
明日的图片: Here comes the Sun