
A Picturesque Equinox Sunset
Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Dyer, Amazingsky.com, TWAN
Explanation: What’s that at the end of the road? The Sun. Many towns have roads that run east-west, and on two days each year, the Sun rises and sets right down the middle. Today, in some parts of the world (tomorrow in others), is one of those days: an equinox. Not only is this a day of equal night (“aequus”-“nox”) and day time, but also a day when the sun rises precisely to the east and sets due west. Displayed here is a picturesque rural road in Alberta, Canada that runs approximately east-west. The featured image was taken during the September Equinox of 2021, but the geometry remains the same every year. In many cultures, this March equinox is taken to be the first day of a season, typically spring in Earth’s northern hemisphere, and autumn in the south. Does your favorite street run east-west? Tonight, at sunset, you can find out with a quick glance.
Tomorrow’s picture: the eyes of march
影像提供与版权: Alan Dyer, Amazingsky.com, TWAN
说明: 路的尽头有什么?太阳。许多城镇都有东西向的道路,而每年有2天,太阳会从这些道路的正中央升起和落下。在世界某些地方(有些是明天),今天就是其中一天:春分。今天不但昼夜平分(“aequus”-“nox”),也是太阳从正东升起、从正西落下的一天。这幅影像所示的美丽乡村道路,位于加拿大艾伯塔省,方向则太致是东西向。这张主题影像其实是摄于2021年九月的秋分,但其几何对每年的春秋分皆适用。在许多文化中,三月的春分为新季节的起点,通常为地球北半球的春季及南半球的秋季。你最喜欢的街道是东西向的吗?在今天的日落时,只要一眼就能找出答案。
明日的图片: the eyes of march