
Comet, Planet, Moon
Image Credit & Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado (Starry Earth, TWAN)
Explanation: Three bright objects satisfied seasoned stargazers of the western sky just after sunset earlier this month. The most familiar was the Moon, seen on the upper left in a crescent phase. The rest of the Moon was faintly visible by sunlight first reflected by the Earth. The bright planet Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, is seen to the upper left. Most unusual was Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, below the Moon and showing a stubby dust tail on the right but an impressive ion tail extending upwards. The featured image, a composite of several images taken consecutively at the same location and with the same camera, was taken near the village of Llers, in Spain‘s Girona province. Comet Pons-Brooks passed its closest to the Sun last week and is now dimming as it moves into southern skies and returns to the outer Solar System.
Almost Hyperspace: Random APOD Generator
Tomorrow’s picture: nova surprise
影像提供与版权: Juan Carlos Casado (Starry Earth, TWAN)
说明: 这个月前些天的日落后西方天空,同时出现3个明亮的天体,让资深的天文爱好者大饱眼福。其中最为人们所熟悉的,是带着蛾眉位相出现在上左方的月亮。而月亮的其余部分,受到了地球反射的阳光之照耀也隐约可见。左上角的明亮行星是木星,它同时也是太阳系最庞大的行星。三者中最不寻常的,是位于月亮下方的彗星12P/庞士-布鲁克斯,它右侧曳着粗短的尘尾,但却拥有向上方伸展、令人印象深刻的离子尾。这幅主题影像,组合自同一部相机摄于西班牙赫罗纳省利尔斯村附近某地点的多张照片。庞士-布鲁克斯彗星在上星期通过了近日点,现在随着它移入南天并返回太阳系外围,其亮度也在下降之中。
几乎超空间: 随机APOD生成器
明日的图片: nova surprise