
Aurora Dome Sky
Image Credit & Copyright: Xuecheng Liu & Yuxuan Liu
Explanation: It seemed like night, but part of the sky glowed purple. It was the now famous night of May 10, 2024, when people over much of the world reported beautiful aurora-filled skies. The featured image was captured this night during early morning hours from Arlington, Wisconsin, USA. The panorama is a composite of several 6-second exposures covering two thirds of the visible sky, with north in the center, and processed to heighten the colors and remove electrical wires. The photographer (in the foreground) reported that the aurora appeared to flow from a point overhead but illuminated the sky only toward the north. The aurora’s energetic particles originated from CMEs ejected from our Sun over sunspot AR 6443 a few days before. This large active region rotated to the far side of the Sun last week, but may well survive to rotate back toward the Earth next week.
Tomorrow’s picture: hungry cloud
影像提供与版权: Xuecheng Liu & Yuxuan Liu
说明: 它看起来应是夜晚,不过部分的天空却焕发紫光。它是著名的2024年5月10日那晚,当时全球许多地区的人们目睹了满是极光的美丽天空。这张主题影像,是在当天的清晨摄于美国 威斯康辛州的阿灵顿村。在这幅由数张6秒长曝光的照片组合而成、涵盖了三分之二可见天空的全景影像里,北方在中央,影像并经过处理以强化色彩并去除电线。位于前景的摄影者说:极光看似从头顶的一个点流出,但只照亮了北方的天空。诱发这些极光的高能粒子,则来自数天前从太阳黑子区AR 3664上方喷出的日冕物质抛射(CME)。这个大活跃区上星期旋到了太阳的反面,不过它很可能会存活下来,并在下星期再回到面向地球的正面。
明日的图片: hungry cloud