
Stairway to the Milky Way
Image Credit & Copyright: Marcin Rosadziński
Explanation: What happens if you ascend this stairway to the Milky Way? Before answering that, let’s understand the beautiful sky you will see. Most eye-catching is the grand arch of the Milky Way Galaxy, the band that is the central disk of our galaxy which is straight but distorted by the wide-angle nature of this composite image. Many stars well in front of the Milk Way will be visible, with the bright white star just below the stellar arch being Altair, and the bright blue star above it being Vega. The air glows green on the left, just above the yellow cloud deck. The featured image was taken last month on Portugal‘s Madeira Island in the North Atlantic Ocean. Oh, and what happens after you reach the top of these stairs and admire the amazing sky is, quite probably, that you then descend down the stairs on the other side.
Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
Tomorrow’s picture: tower moon
影像提供与版权: Marcin Rosadziński
说明: 如果走上这座通往银河的阶梯会发生什么事?在回答这个问题之前,先来介绍一下所见到的美丽天空。这片视野里最吸睛的是壮丽的银河拱,这道带状光带,其实是我们银河系的中央盘面,它虽然是笔直的,但在这幅组合广角影像里,却变形成圆拱。除此之外,还可见到许多远在银河前方的恒星,其中位于恒星圆拱下方的明亮泛白恒星是牛郎(Altair),而圆拱上方的明亮泛蓝恒星为织女(Vega)。在影像的左侧,紧贴在黄色云层上方的是绿色的气辉。这张主题影像,是在上个月摄于北大西洋 葡萄牙的马德拉岛。至于在爬上这些阶梯并欣赏这片精采的天空之后会怎样,很可能是沿着另一侧的阶梯下山。
您的天空惊喜: APOD在您生日那天展示了什么照片?(1995年后)
明日的图片: tower moon