
Mount Etna Milky Way
Image Credit & Copyright: Gianni Tumino
Explanation: A glow from the summit of Mount Etna, famous active stratovolcano of planet Earth, stands out along the horizon in this mountain and night skyscape. Bands of diffuse light from congeries of innumerable stars along the Milky Way galaxy stretch across the sky above. In silhouette, the Milky Way’s massive dust clouds are clumped along the galactic plane. But also familiar to northern skygazers are bright stars Deneb, Vega, and Altair, the Summer Triangle straddling dark nebulae and luminous star clouds poised over the volcanic peak. The deep combined exposures also reveal the light of active star forming regions along the Milky Way, echoing Etna’s ruddy hue in the northern hemisphere summer’s night.
Tomorrow’s picture: light-weekend
影像提供与版权: Gianni Tumino
说明: 在这幅山景与星空影像里,地平线附近的地球著名活跃层状火山、埃特纳火山顶的辉光,是其中最吸睛的景观。此外,由银河系难以数计的恒星聚成的暗淡弥漫光带,绵延贯过星空。而以剪影之姿现身的庞大银河系尘埃云,则聚集在银河盘面上。北半球观星者很熟悉的亮星天津四、织女和牛郎所构成的夏三角,横跨在暗星云和亮星云的前方,高悬在这座火山顶峰的上空。这幅北半球夏夜的长曝光组合影像,还呈现了银河活跃恒星形成区的辉光,及与它们相互呼应的埃特纳火山泛红辉光。
明日的图片: light-weekend