
Anticrepuscular Rays at the Planet Festival
Image Credit & Copyright: Pavel Gabzdyl
Explanation: For some, these subtle bands of light and shadow stretched across the sky as the Sun set on July 11. Known as anticrepuscular rays, the bands are formed as a large cloud bank near the western horizon cast long shadows through the atmosphere at sunset. Due to the camera’s perspective, the bands of light and shadow seem to converge toward the eastern (opposite) horizon at a point seen just above a 14th century hilltop castle near Brno, Czech Republic. In the foreground, denizens of planet Earth are enjoying the region’s annual Planet Festival in the park below the Brno Observatory and Planetarium. And while crepuscular and anticrepuscular rays are a relatively common atmospheric phenomenon, this festival’s 10 meter diameter inflatable spheres representing bodies of the Solar System are less often seen on planet Earth.
Tomorrow’s picture: panorama on another world
影像提供与版权: Pavel Gabzdyl
说明: 在7月11日夕阳西下时,有人幸运的目睹了这些横跨天空的曼妙光影带。这些称为反云隙光的带状结构,其实是位于西方地平线附近的大片云朵投射到大气中的颀长影子。由于相机的透视效应,这些光影带看似全都会聚到反向东方地平线、捷克 布尔诺市附近的14世纪山顶城堡上空的一点。在影像前景中,地球上的住民正在布尔诺天文台与天文馆下方的公园里,参与该地区每年一度的行星嘉年华会。云隙光和反云隙光是相对常见的地球大气光学现象,而此嘉年华会的10米直径、代表太阳系天体的充气球反而较罕见。
明日的图片: panorama on another world