
Supermoon Beyond the Temple of Poseidon
Image Credit: Alexandros Maragos
Explanation: A supermoon occurred yesterday. And tonight’s moon should also look impressive. Supermoons appear slightly larger and brighter than most full moons because they reach their full phase when slightly nearer to the Earth — closer than 90 percent of all full moons. This supermoon was also a blue moon given the definition that it is the third of four full moons occurring during a single season. Blue moons are not usually blue, and a different definition holds that a blue moon is the second full moon that occurs during a single month. The featured image captured the blue supermoon right near its peak size yesterday as it was rising beyond the Temple of Poseidon in Greece. This supermoon is particularly unusual in that it is the first of four successive supermoons, the next three occurring in September, October, and November.
Tomorrow’s picture: high energy sky
影像提供: Alexandros Maragos
说明: 昨天出现了一轮超级月亮,而今晚的月亮,看起来也应当很精采。超级月亮是指比大多数满月更靠近地球的满月,是以视觉上比寻常满月更大、更亮。这次的超级月亮又有蓝月之称,因为它是同个季节里如出现4个满月时的第三个。蓝月通常并不是蓝色的,而另一种蓝月的定义是指在同一个月份的第二轮满月。这幅记录满月从希腊的海神庙后方升起的主题影像,拍摄选在超级蓝月现出最大张角的时刻附近。除此之外,这轮超级月亮特别罕见,因为它是连续4个超级月亮中的第一个,接下来的其他3轮将出现在9月、10月和11月。
明日的图片: high energy sky