Driveway Analemma
Video Credit & Copyright: Nick Wright
Explanation: Does the Sun return to the same spot on the sky every day? No. A more visual answer is an analemma, a composite of sky images taken at the same time and from the same place over a year. At completion, you can see that the Sun makes a figure 8 on the sky. The featured unusual analemma does not, however, picture the Sun directly: it was created by looking in the opposite direction. All that was required was noting where the shadow of an edge of a house was in the driveway every clear day at the same time. Starting in March in Falcon, Colorado, USA, the photographer methodically marked the shadow’s 1 pm location. In one frame you can even see the photographer himself. Although this analemma will be completed in 2025, you can start drawing your own driveway analemma — using no fancy equipment — as soon as today.
Tomorrow’s picture: open space
影片提供与版权: Nick Wright
说明: 太阳每天都会回到天空的同一位置吗?答案是“不会”。此提问较直观的视觉答案为日行迹,一种在一年之中,从同时间同地点所拍摄的太阳影像之组合图。完成后,你会 发现太阳 在 天空中画出了一个8字形。然而,这部以日行迹为主题的影片,并未直视太阳,反而是背对太阳观察晴天时建筑物的边缘,记录它在车道上影子的位置从而建构而成的。位于美国 科罗拉多州福尔肯镇的摄影者,从今年的3月开始,在每个晴天的下午1点钟,系统性的标记影子的位置。在影片的一个影格里,甚至可以看到摄影者亲身入镜。虽然这个日行迹预计在2025年才能完成,不过,并不需任何高端设备,你可以从今天开始,用很简单的方式在自家的车道上绘制属于你的日行迹。
明日的图片: open space